Other useful organisations
These organisations can provide more information about pensions.
These organisations can provide more information about pensions.
The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS) is an independent, non-profit organisation that provides free information and guidance across the whole range of pensions, including State, occupational and personal.
Pension Wise has online guidance about the pension freedom retirement options. People aged 50 or over with DC pension savings may make an appointment to speak to a guidance adviser free of charge. The guidance is general, will not recommend specific options, and should not be regarded as a substitute for financial advice.
Together with the Money Advice Service, TPAS and Pension Wise make up the Government’s Money and Pensions Service.
The Pensions Regulator aims to protect and regulate workplace pensions and produces guidance on good practice for employers and trustees.
The Pensions Ombudsman has legal powers to settle complaints and disputes about pensions. You usually need to try and sort your complaint out first using your pension scheme’s formal complaints process (you can download the Fund’s official complaints process from the Library). However, you can contact the Ombudsman at any time for help or guidance.
The Government website has information about pensions, including State pensions, and tax.