Retiring early because of ill health
If you become permanently unable to work because of ill health, and you can provide medical evidence, you may be able to take your benefits before your Normal Retirement Age.
DC benefits
You use the DC benefits you have built up (from contributions and investment returns) to provide a retirement income.
Your retirement options are the same as those described under Options for your benefits. You can take your benefits from the Fund or transfer them out. If you buy a pension annuity, you could qualify for a higher pension because of your ill health, as you would not be expected to live as long as someone in better health.
Getting more information
Contact Fidelity for more information. Visit the Help and contacts page for their contact details.
DB benefits
Your DB pension built up based on your salary and the length of time you were building up benefits. You start to draw your DB pension earlier than your Normal Retirement Age. Depending on how serious your ill-health is, you may qualify to take your pension unreduced or with a smaller reduction than you would otherwise. Your retirement options are the same as those described under Options for your benefits.
Getting more information
Contact Fidelity for more information. Visit the Help and contacts page for their contact details.